IP to Integer

An IP address can be represented by different notations. The most common way to represent an IP address is XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX. Provide an IP address below to display it in different formats
IP Address:

Converted Values

String value
Binary 00111100 . 11010111 . 10000001 . 01011000
Integer 1020756312

How to convert

To convert an IP address to integer, break it into four octets. For example, the ip address you provided can be broken into

First Octet: 60
Second Octet: 215
Third Octet: 129
Fourth Octet: 88

To calculate the decimal address from a dotted string, perform the following calculation.

(first octet * 256³) + (second octet * 256²) + (third octet * 256) + (fourth octet)
= (first octet * 16777216) + (second octet * 65536) + (third octet * 256) + (fourth octet)
= (60 * 16777216) + (215 * 65536) + (129 * 256) + (88)
= 1020756312

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