Using DevNullSmtp

DevNullSmtp server is written in Java and therefore requires JRE, which can be downloaded from

There are two modes of operation for this server:
  • GUI mode - (default)
  • Console mode
The application accepts following command line parameters. Using these parameters you can not only modify the mode of operation but also specify some initial values.

Parameter Description
-console If specified, runs the server in console mode. For example:

java -jar DevNullSmtp.jar -console

This command will run the server in console mode on port 25 and will accept emails from every domain. Incoming emails will be destroyed.
-p Specifies a port number. For example:

java -jar DevNullSmtp.jar -p 2500 -console

This command will run the server in console mode on port 2500 and will accept emails from every domain. Incoming emails will be destroyed.
-s Specifies the path where emails are stored. This must refer to a valid path on your machine. For example:

java -jar DevNullSmtp.jar -p 2500 -console -s c:\temp\emails

This command will run the server in console mode on port 2500 and will accept emails from every domain. Incoming emails will be saved in c:\temp\emails folder.
-d Specifies acceptable domain names. For example:

java -jar DevNullSmtp.jar -console -d,

This command will run the server in console mode on port 25 and will accept emails from and Incoming emails will be destroyed.
-h Displays the USAGE screen on the window and exists.

Hiding the console window

If you are using DevNullSmtp on Windows, you might want to hide the black Console window containing information messages. This is done by using javaw instead of java. For example:

javaw -jar DevNullSmtp.jar

Screen Shot - GUI

Here are some screen shots.

Dummy smtp server

Dummy smtp server

Dummy smtp server

Dummy smtp server

Screen Shot - Console mode

Dummy smtp server

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